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Fundraising campaign: Bike4Tafel Challenge 2024

Fundraising campaign: Bike4Tafel entered its third round! How cyclists from Mödling are supporting Tafel Austria!

Bike4Tafel Challenge 2024: 3,500€ was donated to Tafel Austria as part of the bike4tafel Challenge 2024!

This year again, many enthusiastic cyclists from Mödling motivated themselves to climb the Anninger on their bikes between August and October – and all for a good cause. Together with the generous contributions from EXEL LOGISTICS and the St. Gabriel cooking studio, a total of 3,500€ was donated to the Austrian Food Bank!

The concept is simple: have fun and do good! The project was first launched by two cyclists from Mödling, managing director Mag. Thomas Exel (Exellogistik) and lawyer Mag. Stefan Traxler. The idea is that all participants define an individual goal of how often they will ride up the Anninger in Mödling between August and October. At the end, the bill is settled: for what is said and done, the cyclists donate 10€ to the Austrian Food Bank, and for what is said but not done, 25€!

With 11 participants, 138 announced and 122 actually completed rides, the challenge was taken to a new level and participants donated a total of € 3,500 to Tafel Austria as part of the bike4tafel Challenge. At the final meeting in the St. Gabriel cooking studio on January 9, 2025, this result was celebrated together with pizza and drinks. All of the evening’s proceeds also went to Tafel Austria.

“The bike4tafel Challenge is intended to combine sport and social issues, but above all to support Tafel Austria. We are already looking forward to next year!”, says co-founder of the project, Mag. Thomas Exel. In autumn 2025, the bike4tafel Challenge will enter its 4th round and hopes for many motivated cyclists!

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